aDULT SMALL GROUPS                                            


Adult Study Group

Sunday mornings at 9am. A small group setting designed to help you KNOW GOD more deeply. Bible study, Q&A, and discussion.

Adult Fellowship Group

Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm (except during Lent). An environment designed to help you KNOW the PEOPLE of St. Olaf more deeply. Biblical discussions, practical faith-life concerns, prayer with and for one another, and fun. Everyone is welcome.

St. Olaf Seniors (S.O.S.)

Once a month our seniors have gotten together for lunch and fellowship for years. This group has been on hold with the current COVID crisis, but watch for updates!

St. Olaf Bowling Team

St. Olaf has a competitive coed bowling team that meets to challenge local teams every Thursday night. And we have a wall of trophies on display to prove it. New bowlers welcome!

Groups for MEN - click here.

Groups for WOMEN - click here.