To know and love God. To Know and Love PEople.

St. Olaf Lutheran Church is a Bible-believing, Christ-exalting, family-friendly, disciple-making church.

Bible-believing.        CHrist-Exalting.

St. Olaf believes the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, and the final authoritative standard in all matters of life and faith.

And Jesus told us that the whole Bible, cover to cover, points us to Him. So we are lead by the Bible here, and everything we do is meant to exalt Jesus Christ.

Family-Friendly. Disciple-Making.

We throw the doors open for people of every color, every age, every socio-economic level, every stage of spiritual maturity. We all need Jesus, and we all need to belong.

St. Olaf is a disciple-making church. (Matthew 28:18-20)  We believe God has placed us right here in the community of Montgomery at a cultural crossroads for this very point in history. We are His hands and feet in this neighborhood. And the Gospel is transforming lives here.